Wednesday, July 22, 2009

DaRkesT ClouD pAssiN my LIfe

Whats a misserable weeks i go through this past 2 weeks. Many bad Things happen since i want to go back to UMS untill this day. THe first unExpecTed ThingS is WHen The BarBEr CUt MY HAiR TotaLLy WroNG frOm mY expectatIOn. The BArBEr ShoP sAId Pro N from ITS looKS its LookS quite ProficIEnt. BUt my Looks ShowS the BArber is ONly fuCking MAd guys THat cut ConsutoMErs hairs with His Own IDea WIthout FollowS the CunsUMers NEeDs. THe sEcond UNforUne is When MY ScooT juST scRActh wHen The worKErs Loaded the BIke into The BUS. N the most HatefUll things WHen The WOrkers Do not WAnt to Admit theIr FaUlt n SAid It waS just An AccIdeNT.
Next iRRetatINg things Happen When I LOst MY EYeweAr when I just Finish #### on tHe ToilEt, It Was ReaLLy an AcciDent and UnexPecTEd. I lost RM270 just Because The SPEctAcles.. No wOnder THe DAy before MY SpecTacleS lost, i WeAR it for Whole DAy.. The LAst UnlucKY thinGS happeN is WHen I IvOLve In an ACCidEnt. IT was Bright Shiny EvenINg on That SUNdaY. I go VISit my friEns At His DOrm, He AsKEd me to GO Out tO TAke Some Freash AIr at ODEc, UMS. The BAd things Happen In our WAys goinG bacK to Our DOrms. The side ROad Is full LEaves that Not BeeN CLeaned Yet. The ROad IS slippery COs JusT after RAin on THe Day BefoRE. I failed TO conTrol MY handle n Break MOtoRcyclE.. I Bumb Out Of My BIke. MY WOund IS on My hand, elbow, knees And Legs. TAHnkfuLL ALLAH i Still alIVe.. MY BIKe IS ScRAtch all OVEr the BODY..
THaTS all I feel THIS past two WEeks.. MAy AllAH bless My life And HOpe Shiny Days Will COme to ME....

1 comment:

  1. be patient k. its just a test for u, so let Allah know that u r a very strong person! have a nice days..;)
